We believe the path to a greater relationship with God is through greater intentionality with our faith and our lives!

Start new habits and decide to take a greater step in faith this year! Are you up for the challenge? Join us now!


Continuing This Week! Join Us Now!

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Spend time with God!

Attend at least 4 Sunday Services from
January 5th– February 2nd

Read your Bible and pray every day from
January 13th– February 2nd

The best way to grow in your relationship with God is to spend time learn from his word, and to spend time with God. On Sunday, January 5th we launched the 4 week challenge together.

On January 13th we will be kicked off a Bible reading plan as a church – we would love for you to join us in this plan as we walk through the Bible together. Look for links in the daily encouragement.

Join us as we go through a church-wide plan to read the whole Bible! At Browncroft, we have a recommended plan through YouVersion for you to read the Bible. You will engage two chapters a day, one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament starting January 1, 2020. You can join us at any time.

How to join? Download PDF to walk you through each step.

Spend Time With Others!

Join or Continue in a Community

We are a big church of small groups. For some of you, this challenge of community might be continuing one you are already in – but for many of us it’s taking a step out and trying something new.

Plan to attend GroupLaunch after each service on Sunday, January 19th.

To check out open groups click the button below.

Know & Use your Gifts!

Commit to serve God in a new way - or commit to continue where he has already called you in service.

One of the biggest gifts we can give is our time. God has given us each unique gifts and passions to use and to serve others. Look for links and opportunities to explore how you can serve God and others either at Browncroft, or off our campus during this challenge. Take a first step in using your time and gifts.

Join our all church serving experience announced on January 26th.

On Sunday and throughout the week of January 26th you will have opportunities to explore and share these gifts with others. In addition we are planning an all-church service experience that will be announced on this Sunday morning.

Give in percentage for 4 weeks.

Another important way we can use our gifts is through giving. At the start of this year choose a percentage of your financial resources to give to the ministry of our church. Challenge yourself to give this percentage throughout the year beginning this month during the 4 Week Challenge.

Share your faith!

Invite a friend to church on February 2nd, or any week during the 4 Week Challenge.

Making a decision to follow Christ is the most important decision someone can make. And we want you to share what God has done in your life with others because having a personal connection and relationship with a Christ follower is often one of the most catalytic moments in helping someone take a first step in faith.

Are you up for the Challenge!

On February 2nd, as we close the 4 Week Challenge, we challenge all Browncrofters to invite someone to church. On this day we won’t be bringing out a ton of extra bells and whistles, but we will be celebrating the close of the 4 week challenge. In addition, on this Sunday morning we will be starting our next series: Live On Purpose.

Sign up for the challenge below. Also if you choose, we would love to send you a daily encouragement text or email during the 4 week challenge.

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© Browncroft Community Church